Puppy and Dog Training in Summertown and Botley

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To book your course please complete and submit the enrolment form below and pay via the PayPal button or, by BACS. Sue will email you with the Goody 4 Paws business bank information.

The cost of the Dog and Puppy training courses is £110.

German Shepherd puppy playing outdoors in grass over blurred background

Book a Course

Classes for puppies up 6 months are held at:
Botley Tuesdays 7.30 to 8.30pm
Summertown Wednesdays 7pm to 8pm.

Classes for Dog over 6 months are in Summertown only 8pm to 9pm.

Our Training Methods Are Reward Based and Our Courses Are an Enjoyable Experience for Both Dogs and Handler.

The cost of the dog and the puppy training courses is £110.

Botley on Tuesdays

Dean Court Community Centre,
Pinnocks Way,

Summertown on Wednesdays

St Michael's Church Hall
Portland Road

Puppy Home Visit - £45

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Dog Home Visit - £65

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Puppy Training Course - £110

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Dog Obedience Training - £110

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Please do not pay for home visits before contacting Sue

Book a Puppy Training or Dog Obedience Course